A recent study explored the experiences of UK women when deciding whether to take antidepressants during pregnancy. Many pregnant women struggle with 'decisional conflict,' feeling uncertain about the risks and benefits of antidepressant use while balancing their mental health and pregnancy. The study found that while some women were concerned about the potential side effects of antidepressants, they also recognized the importance of managing their mental health during pregnancy. Many women reported that non-pharmacological treatments were difficult to access and that they often felt the professional advice available to them was not detailed enough. Women's decisions were heavily influenced by their previous experiences, their ability to cope with symptoms, and the physical and emotional challenges they faced during pregnancy. Societal expectations and the need to care for their baby and other responsibilities also played a role in shaping their choices. The research highlights the need for more detailed, accessible information to support women in making informed decisions about antidepressant use during pregnancy.
🌸 Making decisions about antidepressant use during pregnancy: a qualitative interview study of a sample of women in the United Kingdom.
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